woman sitting on California beach at sunset

Perfect Tensions by Amy Layne Litzelman

Perfect tension: Spiritual hunger is a precious gift from a Creator who knows our weaknesses - it leads us to motivation and to seek pleasure beyond ourselves.
Meet our Moms

Meet Our Moms by Diane Paddison

In light of Mother's Day this Sunday, SCH Contributor Diane Paddison invited members of the 4word team to share about some of the moms in their lives. The women featured are best friends, hard workers, faithful, but first and foremost, mothers!
women need a work sponsor

Why Women Need a Work Sponsor

SCH Contributor Diane Paddison, a major proponent of professional sponsors and mentors writes that women must learn to see work relationships more strategically in order to propel their careers. She offers three tips to network and find your perfect mentor.
Christians in the spotlight. wooden row boats docked on a mountain lake

What Christians In The Spotlight Know That You May Not

SCH contributor, Phil Cooke, encourages readers to show grace to Christians in the spotlight in the secular world. Phil explains that showing grace isn’t about compromising our faith, it’s about extending our faith, so that through love, the world will marvel at our unity and be compelled to respond to our message.
Home for Dinner

Home For Dinner

The COO of Facebook leaves work every day by 5:30 to have dinner with her kids, and she thinks you should too. Balancing career and family can be hard, but you can choose if it's hard and positive or hard and negative.