happy couple on vacation

Isn’t it Time Your Spouse was a Perfect Ten?

SCH Contributor Michael K. Reynolds calls attention to the fact that watches in advertisements stop at a "Perfect Ten," at 10:10, just like some folks wish their spouse was a perfect ten. But life in a marriage is what happens with the second hand sweeping through each and every moment. Take time to reflect on the moments that happen at 10:10.
far greater purpose. beautiful little church in woods

A Far Greater Purpose

Sometimes the negativity in the world can be overwhelming, but SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman reminds us of our far greater purpose and encourages us to "To release hope. To speak truth. To love beyond ourselves."
small miracles

Big God, Small Miracles

Life is full of little inconveniences. SCH Contributor Diane Paddison shares with us one moment where she relied on God to correct it and perform a small miracle.

Goals – Grounded in Grace

We set goals for New Years Resolutions, in our professional lives, and in longterm plans, but SCH Contributor Diane Paddison offers an additional place goal-setting can be useful. She writes, "Goal-setting can be a way to stay focused and consistent in your faith, but it can also be a way of claiming control over your salvation."

A Five Step Cure For The Bad Job Blues

SCH Contributor Diane Paddison discusses how to turn dissatisfaction at work into a growing experience, reminding us that even a challenging work environment has the potential to become an opportunity to honor God.