How to Say No

As Christians we sometimes feel the obligation to be "nice" all the time, and we view saying no as being mean. Our holidays often become overbooked because of this idea. SCH Contributor Phil Cooke dispels this notion, teaching us that sometimes saying no is the best for us and the other person.
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Because He Lives

When you consider what Christ has done for us, His grace is overwhelming both on the cross and in His victory over death. SCH Contributor Pastor Jesse Bradley shares encouraging advice to help you stay faithful during trials.

Do You Trust God?

What holds you back from asking God all of your questions? SCH Contributor Michael K Reynolds shows us how to trust God.

The Black Friday Miracle

On Black Friday people line the streets and store aisles, hoping to buy the multiple items on their lists "while supplies last." SCH Contributor Jennifer Dukes Lee shares the hard reality of a woman in Haiti who everyday prays she will have enough food for her family before "supplies run out."

How to Have Faith in Your Future

Are you the person that plans for every possible outcome? SCH Contributor and Pastor Kenny Luck explains the pitfalls to over-planning and teaches how to put faith in your future.

Free Printables – Inspiration from Sonoma Christian Home

Beautiful and inspiring scripture art you can hang on your wall, refrigerator or office! Designed to give you hope and encouragement throughout your day. Our gift to you when you sign up for our free e-Newsletter! Free printables - COMING SOON!