Spiritual Optimisim

David was prepared for God to grant him victory with the first stone he hurled at the giant, or the fifth. It is impossible to stand in the presence of God and be a pessimist! Blackaby Daily Devotional.

No More Guilt – Time in the Psalms

Are you tired of pretending that everything is fine? SCH Contributor Pastor Jesse Bradley shows us that God's grace covers all of our sin and can remove all of our shame!

How to Untie the Knot in Your Stomach

Is your stomach knotted up by the roller coaster of life? SCH Contributor Michael K. Reynolds reminds us that while we can’t control our circumstances, we can choose our response.

I Already Know You

Do you feel trapped in the chains of shame? Do you fear passing generational wounds to your children? Christian Counselor Cynthia Spell teaches how break free from inner darkness and pursue a restored and healed heart.