A group prayer with linked hands over bibles - the power of God through prayer

God Overcomes Campus Challenge

What happens when Sonoma State University derecognizes the Christian clubs? Jenny Klouse, SCH Contributor, experiences how challenges lead to stronger faith.

Joy in the Morning- Time in the Psalms

Are you at a discouraging part of your life? SCH Contributor Pastor Jesse Bradley reminds us to keep looking up to the Lord - His goodness will bring you joy soon!

Right Here Right Now

"Don’t waste this time worrying about what God knows you need." SCH Contributor and Pastor, Michael Hayward counsels us "trust God to meet your needs (not satisfy your wants), and prayerfully seek those God-ordained opportunities to serve someone else in Jesus’ name."

When the Unexpected Strikes

Why does God allow you to experience pain? SCH Contributor & Pastor Kenny Luck explains how to come to terms with suffering and shares key points on how to find a place of peace and acceptance.