How Your Biggest Questions Can Save Your Faith

Do you ever feel ashamed because you sometimes have doubts about your faith? SCH Contributor Jennifer Dukes Lee shows how to use our questions as a way to strengthen our faith and grow closer to God!

The Sad News About Adoption In Our World

Even for the most dedicated Christian, the world of adoption can be discouraging. SCH Contributor Tricia Goyer shows how to plant God's Word and be the forever home to a child in need!
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Compelled to Confess

If you wish to have a powerful prayer life, you must regularly confess your sin. Only when there are no obstacles separating you from God and others will your prayers be effective. Blackaby Daily Devotional.

Strongholds of Sin

When you became a Christian, God declared war on sin’s strongholds in your life. Sinful behaviors and attitudes were firmly entrenched in your character, but God commanded you to tear them down. Blackaby Daily Devotional.