Naomi’s Village Blog – The Things People Throw Away

Left in fields and dumps, on steps and in hospitals, these future artists, physicians, business leaders, musicians, and world leaders might just as well be trash. But given traction in the form of love, of hope, of opportunity, they might just change everything.

Naomi’s Village Blog – God Hugs

The mission of Naomi's Village is to glorify God in serving Kenyan children by providing spiritual, physical and emotional healing. Bob Mendosa shares an inspiring story of some orphans whose lives they've healed through love and faith.

Why I’m Giving Up Mirrors for the Next 46 Days

Could you give up looking in the mirror for Lent? SCH Contributor Jennifer Dukes Lee challenges us to join her in a 46 day spiritual journey of forgetting self with the goal of becoming a woman who looks more like Christ.
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Joe Gibbs – I Am Second

Joe admits that he didn't always follow God's game plan, but his own and attributes a handful of godly mentors for getting his head back in the game.

Henry Blackaby Daily Devotion – Opposition

Whenever God clearly speaks to you and you obey His will, you can expect to face opposition. Spiritual attacks are not always signs that you are out of the will of God; they may even indicate that you are in the very center of God's will.