The Control Freak

Do you have friends who need to control everything? SCH Contributor Tracey Mitchell talks about ways to transform control issues associated with rejection. Take the quiz and evaluate if your relationships are healthy.

Naomi’s Village Blog – Brushstrokes

The mission of Naomi's Village is to glorify God in serving Kenyan children by providing spiritual, physical and emotional healing, that they may grow to impact their world. Emily Mendosa shares a real life story of two orphaned siblings, who by God's grace, reclaim their childhoods and find new happiness.

The Difference Between Promise and Performance

The world is filled with promises from politicians, business leaders and even religious leaders. But when it comes to actual performance “results my vary.” SCH Contributor Phil Cooke shares expert leadership advice to help close the gap.

Naomi’s Village – Leftover Joybells

God has a way of working miracles and bringing His children to safety and love. Founder of Naomi's Village, Bob Mendonsa, shares the heart-wrenching yet beautiful story of little Tabitha, brought to them through God's grace.

Why We are Memorizing Scripture as A Family in 2014

Why should you memorize scripture when you have a Bible you can just read from? SCH Contributor Jennifer Dukes Lee responds with the reminder that sometimes it's in the darkest moments of life that we need to recall God's Word. We must commit to memory the sacred words of Life.