Brandon Heath – Just A Girl

With a wonderful rhythmic melody, Brandon Heath tells the story of the night before Christmas. "Just a King. Just a million angels crowing in to see Jesus there among humanity. Just a babe."

Christians Support Phil Robertson’s Biblical Stand

In the wake of Phil's suspension from DUCK DYNASTY by A&E, believers respond with a positive outpouring of support! SCH Contributor Russ Jones reports on how Christians are rising in defense of Phil's faith.
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Luck or Grace: The Intersect

Do you ever wonder why some people are more blessed than others? In his new book Author Scot C. Taylor delivers a rock solid case for grace, offering a powerful witnessing tool for intellectuals who are stuck on the idea of luck.

Phil Robertson’s Family Issues Statement

After A&E's decision to suspend Phil from their show, there was a wave of support for him from the Christian community. Now, the Robertsons are responding publicly with their decision to stand by their father.