Never Defeated

In a world that grows increasingly wicked, SCH Contributor, Michael K. Reynolds, offers a reminder that while we may abandon our faith at times like these, God never abandons us. He is still the same God He was when discovered Him for the very first time.

The Very Best Christmas “Idea”

Christmas is centered around Christ, yet our culture perpetuates consumerism and materialism. SCH Contributor Jennifer Dukes Lee shares a beautiful story of God's work in Haiti, and gives ideas of how to live this Christmas differently.
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Fountain of Life

The holidays can be overwhelming! SCH Contributor, Amy Layne Litzelman shares just one of the ways we can hit the pause button on our day, breathe deep and drink from the one true fountain of life - Jesus.

Living with Your Non-Christian Spouse – Part II

Marriage is extremely difficult at times, especially when you don't share the same faith. SCH Contributor Pastor Steve Carr encourages us to be realistic and remember the reasons why you got married, chances are there are some pretty convincing reasons.

Getting Rid of the Poison

Repressed emotions and anger can only lead to a volcanic explosion of rage someday. SCH Contributor Dr. Tracey Mitchell preaches the huge importance of emotional detoxification.