Humble Enough to Receive

Amy Layne Litzelman reminds us that comprehending God's grace is far beyond our human ability. We must humble ourselves before Him so we may stand under the waterfall of his amazing grace.

Changing Your Perspective on Obedience

Change can be uncomfortable. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit still leads any who are willing into all truth. Join Amy Layne Litzelman as she explores God’s heart for worship and obedience.

Support for Working Women Starts With You

If we want to see women grow professionally, SCH Contributor, Diane Paddison urges us to use the wonderful gifts that God has given us to help and support other women.

Seeds of Life

Amy Layne Litzelman encourages us to spend time with people outside the church walls. After pulling weeds from hurting hearts comes the joy of planting the awesome, powerful seeds of God’s Word.

Spilling the Beans

Coffee is more than the sweet taste and wonderful aroma. New SCH Contributor Nicole Johnson finds coffee as a deeper meaning, brewing with love, sharing, and connection.