Being Best Is Better Than Being First

Speed is good. But your first priority is to make sure whatever project, idea, or product you release is ready to go, and built to last. SCH Contributor, Phil Cooke emphasizes the standards of excellence.

The Spirit Of Wisdom

Throughout His ministry, Jesus relied upon the Holy Spirit to direct Him as He made crucial decisions and faced relentless opposition. If you are a Christian, the same Spirit abides in you. Henry Blackaby Daily Devotion.

You Are Perfectly Made

Take a minute today with Diane Paddison to meditate on the biblical truths of being perfectly made. None of us are perfect but we are to embrace the truth that we are made in God's image.

Nike Re-Signs Tiger – Betting Men Have Forgiven, Forgotten

When the sports industry signs a pro athlete to promote their brand, they endorse that athlete as a role model for our children. One can only wonder if Nike doesn’t care too much about Tiger's cold-hearted character as much as they care about making cold-hearted cash.
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The Treasure Within

From childhood all the way through our adult lives, we think those things that are just out of reach are going to really satisfy, SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman points out that we often lose sight of the fact that we carry within us a Treasure greater than all the "earth contains."