Say Goodbye to the Elephant in the Room

SCH Contributor Michael K. Reynolds urges us remove the stumbling blocks in our lives that keep us from progressing on our spiritual journey and enjoy a deeper, more meaningful relationship with God.
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Been Unemployed A Long Time? You Can Turn It Around

In today’s cluttered and distracted culture, special interest groups, demographic targeting, and digital technology have created a world where the niche rules. Phil Cooke shares important tips on how to get your career back on track.

WWII Medic and Baby He Saved … Reunited!

Hana, a Holocaust survivor, was just three weeks old when the Americans arrived, and she was very ill with skin infections. A medic cleaned all Hana’s sores, saving her life. By God's grace Tricia Goyer was able to connect Hana to the soldier who saved her.

Esterlyn – We All Need

In Esterlyn's We All Need from the album Lamps, the need for God is explored to live for something more than ourselves.