Rush of Fools – Undo

Rush of Fools addresses times of reflection saying that God is the only one who can undo what we've become in their song "Undo".

Live Loved – Mike Donehey

Mike Donehey of Tenth Avenue North shares his insight about life, God and love in a video journal - Live Loved.
butterfly on pink flowers blue sky spring.

The Hidden Sin Behind Candy Corn

"The ultimate statement of disbelief is ever thinking we can get away with something. Nobody will know. Just like Adam and Eve, we actually believe we can hide from God." Wit, humor and wisdom from new SCH Contributor Michael K.Reynolds.
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A New Year For Love

"Prioritize Relationships, Keep Prayer Central and Spend Time Together!" SCH Contributor, Diane Paddison highlights three key principles to consider for your family going into the new year.

Crazy Love – Stop Praying

"We are a culture that relies on technology over community, a society in which spoken and written words are cheap, easy to come by, and excessive." In this excerpt from the new edition of "Crazy Love" Francis Chan guides us into revelation of the true glory of a holy God.