best thing that ever happened. pretty woman lying in grass blowing on a dandelion

The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me

New York Times Best Selling Author Joshua Graham tells us how losing his job of 13 years during an economic downturn was the best thing that ever happened to him & led him to use his God-given gifts to fulfill his calling. It enabled him to enjoy a life of meaning & purpose like he'd never known before.
proper worship Golden cross on the church fence, flowers of the apple tree

Proper Worship

Proper worship is more than singing and lifting your hands. SCH Contributor Pastor Michael Hayward says that being active in the body of Christ is just as important--living out the words you sing.
doorways of desire pretty old door with spray of roses

Doorways of Desire

"The dream hibernating within you may be the doorway God has chosen to pour out his glory through you." Amy Layne Litzelman offers a word of encouragement for those struggling with doorways of desire.
too good not to share bride in white gown with flowing spray of flowers

Too Good Not To Share

Read words too good not to share about rekindling passion for your spouse, rejuvenating your future, and reigniting your relationship with Jesus.