a lover's delight

A Lover’s Delight

SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman asks, "Have you ever met believers that sit on the edge of their seats because they know him & have a lover's delight?"
fasting and prayer

7 Ways Fasting and Prayer Can Change Our Lives

Do you long to go deeper in your faith? To experience more of God than ever before? SCH Contributor Suzanne Niles shares life-changing stories of Biblical fasting and prayer, as well as some practical tips.
beautiful fruit water at a picnic making sense out of your past

Making Sense Out Of Your Past

Has it been difficult making sense out of your past? SCH Contributor Pastor Jesse Bradley reflects on the past while learning from it.
find the holy ground yellow flowers in two white bird cages, decorative bird cage

How to Find The Holy Ground

Real beauty is in moments between hay bales, sticky faces & laundry piles. SCH Contributor Jennifer Dukes Lee shows us how to find the holy ground.
fill your life with miracles beautiful sunrise over field on mountains

How To Fill Your Life With Miracles

What’s holding you back from having the kind of vibrant, eternally rewarding life God desires for you? SCH contributor Michael K. Reynolds shares ways to fill your life with miracles.