the grace of God

The Grace of God

God wants you to obtain and enjoy His salvation as a gift. It's not something you can earn. The grace of God is freely given.
the offering

The Offering

Grateful hearts respond by giving. Through the offering, we also acknowledge that all things belong to God, & that all that we have comes from Him.
forgiveness through faith

Forgiveness Through Faith

Drink from the well of God's grace so your soul can be satisfied. There is forgiveness through faith & discover unimaginable peace.
Forgiveness through faith

Forgiveness Through Faith

God grants us forgiveness through faith. SCH Contributor Samy Tanagho explains how He is asking you to respond in faith so you can experience His grace and forgiveness to save your soul from suffering forever.

Understanding the Men in Your Life

Understanding the men in your life makes your relationships much richer. Men crave respect, even more than love. What does that reveal about them?
how to find a healthy relationship

How to Find a Healthy Relationship | The Capacity for Love

Have you ever loved someone so much, yet never felt the love returned? How do you move on? SCH Contributor, Dr. Tracey Mitchell sheds light on our different love capacities, giving godly advice on how to find healthy relationships.