thorns in life

The Raspberry Thorns in Life

Are you ever surprised by how much pain little things can cause? SCH Contributor Jenny Klouse reminds us of God’s grace and power in our moments of weakness.
are you treating yourself poorly

Are You Treating Yourself Poorly?

Is establishing boundaries difficult for you? SCH Contributor and Life Coach Carolyn Dunn shares three ways to tell if you nurture others to the extent of neglecting yourself.
shared victories

Shared Victories

When was the last time you celebrated someone else's victory? SCH Contributor Pastor Jesse Bradley reminds us of the value of shared victories and that victory is from the Lord.
Down the Road of Fasting and Prayer

Down the Road of Fasting and Prayer

We have a unique, God-given capacity to connect and to love. SCH Contributor Suzanne Niles talks about her personal experiences and the wisdom of going down the road of fasting and prayer with a friend.
Can you leave your child home alone

Can You Leave Your Child Home Alone?

Are you a single parent juggling work and family? SCH Contributor Elizabeth Oates shares the factors to consider before you leave your child home alone.