little blond girl holding photographer's hand smiling - when you fail

Encouragement For When You Fail

When you fail, fight the urge to give up or become discouraged. God is enough for all of our challenges, as Pastor Michael Hayward provides encouragement for your soul today.
Jesus Prays with a Crown of Thorns on his head - God's great rescue plan

God’s Great Rescue Plan

Author Samy Tanagho reveals that the God of the Bible has not stood still waiting for us to find Him. God's great rescue plan came to us in the person of Jesus Christ!
man overlooking big river on cliff surrounded by beautiful and majestic mountains - learn to receive god's grace

Learn to Receive God’s Grace

One of the most important spiritual steps as a Christian is to learn to receive God's grace, realizing how much God loves you and how much Jesus has done for you. Inspiration from SCH Contributor, Pastor Jesse Bradley.

Learning Wisdom from my Elders

Speaker and Author Rhonda Stoppe at the age of 54, is still learning wisdom from her elders. When she was young, she believed that she had to have it all together. Rhonda now knows that everyone needs mentors and to be mentors.