mom and daughter laughing in garden with flowers - learn to say "no"

Why You Need To Learn To Say “No”

Why is it so hard to learn to say "no"? SCH contributor and writer, Diane Paddison explores why we need to say "no" more often in our lives and why.
Beautiful wide river at sunset with pink skies and green trees - choosing your friends wisely

Choosing Your Friends Wisely

The Bible warns that bad company corrupts good character. On the other hand, if you walk with the wise, you will gain wisdom. The Holy Spirit in you can empower you to break free from outside pressures that undermine your faith!
mountain scene with blue skies and pink flowers - how to be strong and courageous

How To Be Strong And Courageous

Do you need to be strengthened in your faith today? Join SCH contributor Darlene Sala on how to be strong and courageous with God.
Birds flying above the sea at sunset shadows red and orange water - True promises of God

True Promises of God

Behind the true promises of God, there is always a plan of action, even when we can't see it. When we feel lost or confused, trusting in God's promise will always bring us abundant blessings. In the story of Pam and Bob's son, trusting in the Lord's promise brought blessings to their family and the entire world!
vintage bicycle with basket of flowers in field - when to pray for strength

When To Pray For Strength

Prayer is one of the most important pieces of our faith walk. But do you know when to pray for strength? SCH contributor Darlene Sala has come great encouragement.
beautiful wooden bridge over water in sunlight

God’s Grace and Voice

Accessing God's grace and voice means slowing down and giving Him our full attention without distractions. Sometimes God's grace includes protecting us from ourselves.