
I AM – Experiencing God Daily Devotional

When God told Moses “I AM WHO I AM!” he expressed an awesome powerful truth - “Moses, I’ll be whatever you need Me to be as you carry out my assignment. Think back to your understanding of God when you first began walking with Him. How have your experiences expanded your knowledge of Him?

The Spiritual Wake-Up Call

This first cup of fresh-brewed life is crucial. Have you had your spiritual wake-up call? SCH Contributor Nicole Johnson writes "God and only God can go deep enough to rouse our sleepy souls."

Holiday Worship – A Whole New Meaning

"Which traditions will you carry on during the holidays?" SCH Contributor, Pastor Michael Hayward, begs the question...."What kind of legacy will you leave?" Do your holiday traditions lean torwards idolatry or true worship of the one whose birth started it all?

The Perfect Gift Isn’t Under the Tree

"The most amazing gifts cannot be wrapped up in a bow! "SCH Contributor, Heather Riggleman takes a moment to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas and spending precious time with the ones that hold your heart in their hands.
beautiful wooden bridge over water in sunlight

Contentment is a Choice

"What if I could taste today and not worry about the obligations of tomorrow?" SCH Contributor, Heather Riggleman urges us to truly consider what we have in the here and now, to drink in all that today has to offer and to hold steady in the moment while the time is still ours to cherish.