Hummingbird-Red-Flowers habitat for the holy spirit

Following Jesus Today

Following Jesus is more than just a noble concept, it includes real choices inour everyday lives. When you let God’s grace fill your heart, you are capable of the most God-glorifying actions.

Love Him, Love Them Not

SCH's newest Contributor Kathy Howard, unravels the complexities of "agape" love and reveals the true meaning of "love thy neighbor" as God intended it to be.

Nature Shouts God’s Existence

When you spend time outside and you have that sense that God is with you and communicating through nature, don’t ignore it. Nature is actively declaring the goodness and glory of God. It is an extension of His grace to us in a tangible way.

Embracing the Season

Even those of us who anticipate change have a tendency to hold on to the past to some degree. Collecting treasures as we travel through life is healthy. It’s when we get out of step with the seasons that we get in trouble.
child hand touching elderly hand

12 Tips For Cultivating Compassion In Your Kids

This is the example that is set before our children: It’s all about me. I need to be noticed, I need to be famous, I need the best, I need to be happy. So how do we, as moms, change that mindset in our children?