Never Too Busy- Experiencing God Daily Devotional

God is at work in the lives of your friends, your neighbors, your family members. Nothing on your agenda, no matter how pressing, is reason enough to ignore the voice of God when He tells you to stop and help.
Old bible, cross and clock with a candle on a table

Knowing is Half the Battle

When we do not fully trust God we will not be wholly devoted to Him and cannot be obedient to His commands. Pastor Michael Hayward says you cannot win if you only fight half a battle.

Teen Mom? Two Tips From Someone Who’s Been There

SCH contributor Heather has been there: Suddenly you go from being a teen, worried about what to wear to school, flipping burgers at McD’s, and now you wonder when you’ll get any sleep as your new baby fusses half the night?

God Asks Us To Have A Single Focus

God wants us to give Him--and each other--our undivided attention. SCH contributor Heather Riggleman, an admitted multi-tasker, shares how this can be a challenge, especially for moms.
Beautiful Peonies-Fuscia-Full bloom on rambling wood-fence. praying after the high points

Out Of My Mind – Back By Closing Hymn

"I've heard there are people who can focus intently on a 90-minute lecture regarding the historical derivatives of the word hermeneutics while never losing their train of thought. They actually have a train. I have more of a hot air balloon." ~Carol Barnier