A Different Way To Spin Through Life

In today's modern world, our lives tend to spin around technology. But Heather Riggleman asks, "What if our world spun around the Bible?" Jesus called his disciples out of jobs, funerals, parties; he called them to a life spun around him!

Far Be It From Me!- Experiencing God Daily Devotional

At times people will not respond as they should to the message God speaks through you. Don’t become discouraged; it is a reflection of their relationship with God. Don’t lose your patience with God’s people.
black horse white horse, broken male culture

Good Versus Evil

Satan persuaded Adam and Eve that their disobedience, rather than their obedience, would guarantee a full life. We, too, will face the temptation to call something good that God has declared wicked. Blackaby Daily Devotional.
North California Coast - Oaks of Righteousness

Oaks of Righteousness

In Isaiah 61:3, God refers to His chosen people as "oaks of righteousness." May we resemble the mighty Oak, while weathered by life's storms, still resilient and reflecting the splendor of our Maker.