March 2nd – American Minute – Everything is in His Hands

The Texas Declaration of Independence was signed on March 2nd, 1836, officially freeing the people of Texas from Santa Anna's rule. SCH contributor William Federer explores this pivotal event, which reminds us that everything is in God's hands.

August 4th – American Minute – The U.S. Coast Guard

"To sink the foe or save the maimed, Our mission and our pride, We'll carry on 'til Kingdom Come, Ideals for which we've died." Thus went the original anthem of the U.S. Coast Guard, established AUGUST 4, 1790. This is the oldest continuous seagoing service in the United States, stretching back to the beginning of our country...

July 18th – American Minute – The French and Indian Wars

George Washington described the Battle of Monongahela to his younger brother, John Augustine Washington, JULY 18, 1755:"... I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation; for I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me, yet escaped unhurt, although death was leveling my companions on every side of me!"