Redeeming The Time- Experiencing God Daily Devotional

You may inadvertently substitute religious activity for God’s will, pursuing your own goals for God’s kingdom instead of waiting for His assignment. Time is a precious commodity. Be sure to invest it wisely.

The Meek- Experiencing God Daily Devotional

Meekness is not submitting to everyone around us, it is taking our direction from God. Meekness means that we do not have to defend our rights, but we allow the Lord to defend us. Jesus said that in relinquishing control over our lives to God, we will gain life in abundance!

Hunger and Thirst- Experiencing God Daily Devotional

Righteousness is not merely an absence of sin. It is allowing God to fill us with His holiness. It is being like Christ. Jesus is our model of One who sought God’s righteousness first, and then the Father glorified Him.

Daily Bread- Experiencing God Daily Devotional

God is aware of what tomorrow will bring and how we should prepare for it. He knows the problems we will face, and He has already made provision for us to overcome them. He asks us to trust in Him daily.