Be Merciful!- Experiencing God Daily Devotional

Mercy is a gift. It is undeserved. Punishment and consequences are sin’s just reward, but the merciful person does not demand justice for the guilty person. If it were not for God’s mercy, we all would have faced His terrible judgment long ago.

Spiritual Famine- Experiencing God Daily Devotional

Because He is God, when He speaks He expects a listening ear and an eager response. When we ignore Him, He may withhold His voice until we repent and get right with Him. If you realize you are in a spiritual famine, immediately seek God and ask Him what adjustments your life requires so you can once again enjoy fellowship with Him.

King of the Jungle

Dreamers are enthusiastic, positive and self assured people, however dreams can be crushed easily by others' words. SCH Contributor Dr. Tracey Mitchell encourages us to pursue our dreams and trust in the ideas God has laid on our hearts.