Acts of God – Official Trailer

A moment of crisis can change everything. Six people are faced with hard questions after an accident that intertwines all their lives. As they struggle in the aftermath, threads of hope and faith become the lifeline to a strength they could never find alone.

Rumors of Wars – Official Trailer

Do you love end-time thrillers? A soldier questions the truth once he comes across an eye-opening diary that shatters his world. Starring Ben Davies from the classic Christian movie "Courageous," it reminds us that sacrificing freedom for security only leads to persecution.
country song

Like A Country Song – Official Trailer

This is a story about forgiveness and redemption in the midst of painful struggle. Up and coming country singer Jake Reeson has the world in his hands - until his ego destroys his career.
my name is paul

My Name is Paul – Official Trailer

This new film sets the story of Apostle Paul in the modern day! Blinded by hate and intent on destruction, he is determined to find and kill Peter, the enemy of his Leader. But then a miraculous accident takes him off on a road of self-discovery.