The Black Friday Miracle

On Black Friday people line the streets and store aisles, hoping to buy the multiple items on their lists "while supplies last." SCH Contributor Jennifer Dukes Lee shares the hard reality of a woman in Haiti who everyday prays she will have enough food for her family before "supplies run out."
exodus gods and kings

Exodus: Hollywood Needs Sunday School

Exodus: Gods and Kings claims to tell the story of Moses’ courage to take on the might of an empire under God's direction. But is Hollywood selling a fake?

Jimmy Wayne: From Ashes to a Life of Purpose

This rising star overcame a devastating young life of hardship, abuse and abandonment to find the life-changing love of Jesus. Now this missionary/musician is doing wonders in the name of God.

A Visit Back to the Future

Ever feel like you are in a different world when you stay with the in-laws? SCH Contributor Jenny Klouse takes her family on a trip to Michigan and experiences some antique shopping and modern-day outlet mall shopping.