How I Met God in Rome

How I Met God in Rome

A danger Christians face is getting caught up in their "work" for God and lose sight of their relationship with Him. SCH Contributor Diane Paddison shares how God took her from her busyness brought her focus back to His face.

Why We are Memorizing Scripture as A Family in 2014

Why should you memorize scripture when you have a Bible you can just read from? SCH Contributor Jennifer Dukes Lee responds with the reminder that sometimes it's in the darkest moments of life that we need to recall God's Word. We must commit to memory the sacred words of Life.

The Almond Tree Documentary Takes A Pro-Life Stand

This is an inspiring true story about a Christian couple turning to God in the face of being unable to have children - and God's faithful response in return. The newly released pro-life film follows their journey through life's troubles to redemption!