A Christmas Candle – Movie Review

Legend has it that an angel visits a village candlemaker every 25 years & touches a single candle. Whoever lights this candle receives a miracle. But what happens when the candle goes missing? Read SCH Movie Critic Bethany Jett’s inspirational review.

10 New Christmas Traditions

Does your Christmas spirit need a boost? SCH Contributor and Pastor Kenny Luck challenges us to rekindle our joy for the holidays with 10 wonderful new holiday traditions.

The Little Boy Movie to Make Big Splash in 2015

The magical story of a 7-year old who will do whatever it takes to end World War II so he can bring his father home. The movie reveals the indescribable love a father has for his little boy and the love a son has for his father.

Catching Up with Julie Bell

Jenny Klouse interviews Julie Bell about her faith as an artist, and witness as a Christian artist during Christmas.

How to Say No

As Christians we sometimes feel the obligation to be "nice" all the time, and we view saying no as being mean. Our holidays often become overbooked because of this idea. SCH Contributor Phil Cooke dispels this notion, teaching us that sometimes saying no is the best for us and the other person.