Unlocking Your Potential as a Mom

SCH Contributor Sue Detweiler teaches on God's ability to set us free from past brokenness, pain and disappointment. "When we put our faith in God, mountains move and prison doors unlock."
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Compelled to Confess

If you wish to have a powerful prayer life, you must regularly confess your sin. Only when there are no obstacles separating you from God and others will your prayers be effective. Blackaby Daily Devotional.
black horse white horse, broken male culture

Good Versus Evil

Satan persuaded Adam and Eve that their disobedience, rather than their obedience, would guarantee a full life. We, too, will face the temptation to call something good that God has declared wicked. Blackaby Daily Devotional.

Strongholds of Sin

When you became a Christian, God declared war on sin’s strongholds in your life. Sinful behaviors and attitudes were firmly entrenched in your character, but God commanded you to tear them down. Blackaby Daily Devotional.