Natalie Grant – Alive

"Alive, Alive. Look what Mercy's overcome. Death has lost and Love has won!" Natalie Grant's lyrics capture the glory of Easter. As you celebrate Resurrection Day with your loved ones, reflect on the amazing gift Jesus has given you!

When You Want to Throw in the Towel

SCH contributor, Jennifer Dukes Lee has seen the hurts of the world and proclaims "For every affliction, restriction, addiction or bit of friction in your life, there is one holy benediction: 'It is finished.'"

Exciting New Film Claims ‘Heaven Is for Real’

Just what happened to little Colin when he saw Heaven? SCH Contributor Rusty Wright explains this miraculous story and its biblical basis. Now Playing! Experience the story of one family's journey of truth, only in theaters.

HSLDA Releases Eye-Opening Common Core Documentary

Do you really know what the schools are teaching your child? This gripping half-hour documentary sets out to uncover the terrors Common Core - one of the biggest national reforms to be adopted behind closed doors.
Women of the Bible

How Roma Downey Came to Play ‘Son of God’s Mary

Roma Downey, star of recent blockbuster "Son of God", was not always so famous! From growing up in Northern Ireland's political war to the amazing work she's done in Christian entertainment, her testimony will astound you!