How to Deal with Stress

Stress can trap us in insecurity, fear, sleeplessness and anxiety. SCH Contributor Diane Paddison declares liberation from this entrapment through the peace of focusing on Christ.
black nativity

Black Nativity – Official Trailer

An amazing contemporary adaptation of Langston Hughes' celebrated play, BLACK NATIVITY follows Langston, a teen from Baltimore. He embarks on a surprising and inspirational journey and soon discovers the true meaning of faith, healing, and family.

The Hard Work of Saying Goodbye

One of the hardest parts of life is saying goodbye to those we love. SCH Contributor Jennifer Dukes Lee shares her heart as she worked through grief with the help of Christ.

JFK – Moments of Greatness

50 years ago today, marks the anniversary of John F. Kennedy's tragic assassination. As our nation pays tribute, let us pray for God's mercy on our country. "A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on."