God’s Initiatives- Experiencing God Daily Devotional

The Lord may be initiating some new things in your life. When He tells you what His plans are, trust Him and walk closely with Him. You will see Him accomplish things through your life that you never dreamed were possible

The Desires Of Your Heart- Experiencing God Daily Devotional

Your relationship with God ought to bring you more joy, satisfaction, and pleasure than any other relationship, activity, or material possession you have. Scripture exhorts you to delight yourself in the Lord, finding your greatest pleasure in God and the things dear to His heart.

Spiritual Markers- Experiencing God Daily Devotional

A spiritual marker identifies a time of decision when you clearly know that God guided you. Keep track of these important moments! This will help you understand God’s activity in your life and give you a sense of direction.

A Time To Be Silent

Do you ever find time to be silent? SCH Contributor Debbie Williamson shares insight on pausing from the busyness of life to find silence in our lives to seek wisdom and words from God.