three stooges

The Three Stooges

The film itself won’t convert many to the Three Stooges fan club; however, if you’re already a die-hard Stooge fan, the style will be right up your alley.
one hit from home

One Hit From Home – Movie Review

In "One Hit from Home," a baseball superstar suffers a career-ending knee injury and returns to a place he has not been in a very long time...home.
october baby

October Baby

19-year old Hannah’s parents have secrets. Her adoption, the reason for her life-long health issues…why won't they tell her? Find out in "October Baby!"
joyful noise

Joyful Noise – Movie Review

Joyful Noise is a musically sugar-coated, feel-good movie that desperately tries to raise audiences to the rafters, but ends up remaining in the pew.
war horse

War Horse – Movie Review

If you hear someone say: “They just don’t make movies like they used to,” direct them to War Horse. SCH Contributor Dale Ward reviews this great new film.