Lessons from Boston – Running Broken by Diane Paddison

For too many people, the Boston Marathon bombing was a devastating & life-altering experience. But from that devastation a story emerged - not of tragedy and weakness, but of strength, as people from all over the world persist towards recovery & healing & growth.
Home for Dinner

Home For Dinner

The COO of Facebook leaves work every day by 5:30 to have dinner with her kids, and she thinks you should too. Balancing career and family can be hard, but you can choose if it's hard and positive or hard and negative.
women need a work sponsor

Why Women Need a Work Sponsor

SCH Contributor Diane Paddison, a major proponent of professional sponsors and mentors writes that women must learn to see work relationships more strategically in order to propel their careers. She offers three tips to network and find your perfect mentor.
the talents God gives you

Make the Most with the Talents God Gives You

SCH Contributor Diane Paddison tells us that no matter your capabilities or individual strengths, you should make the most of the talents God gives you, no matter how limited your capabilities may seem.