Listening For Real

When you speak with God, are you talking or listening? SCH Contributor Diane Paddison points out the value of being a good listener in conversations with God, your friends, and your family.

Love and Talking About Money

How do you handle money in your marriage? SCH Contributor Diane Paddison shares advice on how couples can talk about finances in a positive way.

Your Careers Are Married Too

How do you and your spouse balance careers and marriage? SCH Contributor Diane Paddison shares valuable insights on how couples can fortify their marriage against the stress.

Prayer and Healing

Are you or a loved one hurting? SCH Contributor Diane Paddison reminds us of the healing properties of prayer.

Housework in the Workplace

Do you do a lot of the "housework"- those essential but underappreciated tasks- around your office? SCH Contributor Diane Paddison shares how women can get credit for the work they do that goes unnoticed.

Navigating the Winding Path of Your Career

Is your career going like you thought it would? If not, SCH Contributor Diane Paddison shares advice on how to meet the demands of work and home while making the right choices for yourself.