Taking The Narrow Road

SCH Contributor Debbie Williamson shares how choosing the narrow path of life can be difficult but why eternal life with God is worth the sacrifice.

4 Ways to Keep a Positive Mindset

SCH Contributor Debbie Williamson shares her proven strategy on how to program your mind for positive thinking with 4 ways to keep a positive mindset.

What’s Wrong With the Fig Tree?

SCH Contributor Debbie Williamson unravels Matthew 21 and discusses the parable of the fig tree and the attributes of true spiritual fruit.

Lead By Example

When you touch one life, that person reaches so many additional people. When you decide to trust the Lord, you affect generations. You leave a legacy that will outlive you. You will not be shaken in a trial when God is your rock and your hope. People will notice a Strength greater than your own. Who you rely on becomes obvious when you are in a battle. Choose the Lord and you will impact the people around you in the deepest and most genuine way.

Faithful to the One Who Never Changes

We follow God at the beginning of our journey of faith, we continue to follow in the muddled, mundane, middle days, and we finish the journey following still.