Blue Door opening to clouds - Doorway-to-Heaven - Jesus is your door

Jesus is Your Door – Experiencing God Daily Devotional

Circumstances are irrelevant, for no one can shut the door that Jesus opens. If Christ is the door in your life, He will guide you into every experience of Him that He wants and there will be nothing that people can do to stop Him.
the way mountain scene

The Way – Experiencing God Daily Devotional

Walking closely with God each day guarantees that you will be exactly where He wants you to be. If you want to know God's will, take time to cultivate your relationship with Jesus and learn to identify His voice. He is more than willing to show you the way.
abide in the vine

Abide in the Vine – Experiencing God Daily Devotional

Jesus gave a clear picture of what our relationship to Him ought to be like. He is the vine, the source of our life. We are the branches. As we receive life from Christ, the natural, inevitable result is that fruit is produced in our lives.
waterfall living water

Living Water – Experiencing God Daily Devotional

If you are experiencing spiritual dryness right now, is it because you have been attempting to find your source of spiritual refreshment from man-made sources? Have you been refreshed by the living water only Jesus can provide?