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Mike Huckabee – I Am Second

Former Arkansas governor and presidential candidate in 2008 Mike Huckabee speaks out about how his faith in Jesus Christ helps him through the most difficult times in his life and gives him proper perspective.
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Chuck Colson On Christians And Politics

Chuck Colson was always notable for his clarity of thinking and his commitment to God and country. These excerpts are from a 2010 interview with CitizenLink. We think they're a good reminder for today.

Francis Chan In San Francisco

Author and former senior pastor of Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley, Francis Chan, visits San Francisco and shares about how different it is to make disciples with the down-and-out in the famous city.

Mike Donehey – The Disciple Jesus Loved

Mike Donehey explains how, as Christians, we aren't defined by our successes or our failures, but by what He did for us at the cross. We can say, "I am the disciple that Jesus loves."