Living with Intention in a Chaotic World

Do you sometimes feel that you aren't fulfilling your aspirations in life? SCH Contributor Jennifer Dukes Lee imparts truths about living our lives with purpose and meaning and rebukes cultural  thinking that  ”living intentionally” means making a name for yourself, climbing higher and adding another line to the resume.

What It Means to Serve Like Jesus

Sometimes you might never know the name of the stranger who enters your life for the sole purpose of washing your feet. And if you’re the foot washer, they might never see your face. Jennifer Dukes Lee shares on the gift of serving.

Go Easy On You… You’re Only Human

SCH contributor, Jennifer Dukes Lee, reminds us that our lives do not have to be perfect for God to work through them. We can find real happiness and freedom by settling into our identity as beloved children of God.

When You Want to Throw in the Towel

SCH contributor, Jennifer Dukes Lee has seen the hurts of the world and proclaims "For every affliction, restriction, addiction or bit of friction in your life, there is one holy benediction: 'It is finished.'"