
Mirror, Mirror

With elements of slapstick comedy, adventure, and a little romance, audiences will laugh and leave the theaters feeling enchanted.
wrath of the titans

Wrath of the Titans

If you’re going to the movies to forget about reality for a couple hours and enjoy a movie that reads like a 7th grader’s Cliff Notes report of Lord of the Rings, try Wrath.

Wrath of the Titans – Official Trailer

Enlisting the help of Queen Andromeda, Poseidon's demigod son, Argenor, and fallen Hephaestus, Perseus embarks on a quest to rescue Zeus, overthrow the Titans and save mankind.

Blue Like Jazz

Blue Like Jazz is a film about discovery, forgiveness, and redemption. Although entertaining and pointedly humorous, this isn’t a family film.
one hit from home

One Hit From Home – Movie Review

In "One Hit from Home," a baseball superstar suffers a career-ending knee injury and returns to a place he has not been in a very long time...home.