How to Adopt for (Almost) Free

Is God stirring a yearning in your heart to adopt? SCH Contributor Tricia Goyer breaks down the practical details she learned in how to adopt for (almost) free.

Surviving the Strong-Willed Child

Is each day a battle with your child? SCH Contributor Tricia Goyer shares wonderful advice and personal stories on how she transformed the behavior of her strong-willed child.

7 Prayers to Say for Your Children

Wanting to come up with new prayers to say for your children? SCH Contributor Tricia Goyer provides a week's worth of beautiful prayers derived from scripture.

23 Ways to Be a Good Parent

There is no such thing as the "perfect" parent. SCH Contributor Tricia Goyer shares personal tried and true tips on how and how to rely on God's Spirit and grace to become a better parent. #Parenting

Four Ways to Find Freedom from Past Mistakes

Regrets from decisions we made earlier in life can weigh us down, holding us in bondage. SCH Contributor Tricia Goyer declares redemption through Christ and the lifting of these burdens through His loving grace and forgiveness.