August 10th – American Minute – Herbert Hoover

Herbert Hoover was born AUGUST 10, 1874. In 1929, Herbert Hoover became the 31st U.S. President.The son of a Quaker blacksmith, he studied at Stanford and became a world renowned engineer. "To enter upon a series of deep changes...would be to undermine and destroy our American system..."

August 9th – American Minute – In Search of “The Book to Heaven”

In 1831, three Nez Perce Indians and one Flathead Indian, traveled from the Oregon Territory to St. Louis, Missouri, looking for the "book to heaven." They heard there was a book containing directions how to conduct themselves in order to enjoy his favor and hold converse with him; and with this guide, no one need go astray, but every one that would follow the directions laid down there, could enjoy, in this life, his favor; and after death would be received into the country where the great Spirit resides, and live for ever with him."

August 8th – American Minute – President Nixon Resigns

AUGUST 8, 1974, televised from the Oval Office, 37th President Richard Nixon said: "Good evening. This is the 37th time I have spoken to you from this office... To continue to fight...for my personal vindication would almost totally absorb the time and attention of both the President and the Congress... Therefore, I shall resign...