June 14th – American Minute – Thirteen Stars and Stripes

On JUNE 14, 1777, the Second Continental Congress selected the Flag of the United States, and 1916, Woodrow Wilson Proclamed JUNE 14 National Flag Day. On JUNE 14, 1954, Dwight Eisenhower adding the phrase "One Nation Under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

June 12th – American Minute – George H.W. Bush is Born

When you have read the Bible you will know that it is the Word of God...NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE BUSH, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim the year 1990 as the International Year of Bible Reading. I invite all Americans to discover the great inspiration and knowledge that can be obtained through thoughtful reading of the Bible."

June 11th – American Minute – “The British are Coming!”

Dr. Joseph Warren wrote the Suffolk Resolves, urging Massachusetts to establish a free state, boycott British goods, form militias and no longer be loyal to a king who violates their rights: He sent Paul Revere on his midnight ride to warn Lexington the British were coming.

June 10th – American Minute – US Naval Academy

The first US Naval Academy graduated on JUNE 10, 1854. The Academy was established under George Bancroft, who wrote, "The consciousness of an incarnate God carried peace into the bosom of humanity...This doctrine once communicated to man, was not to be eradicated...The idea of GOD WITH US...dwells...in every soul that sighs for redemption."

June 9th – American Minute – Tax Withholding

"Fight the Axis-Pay your Taxes." Withholding taxes from people's paychecks began JUNE 9, 1943. It was passed by Congress as an emergency measure to get money to fight Hitler during World War II.