Advice To My Younger Self

SCH Contributor Diane Paddison has learned valuable lessons on her journey as both a Fortune 500 CEO and a Christian woman in the workplace. Be blessed by the wise advice that Diane would tell her younger self.

ReMOVED Official Trailer – Winner 168 Film Festival

ReMoved is about a girl’s journey through her extreme hardships in the foster care system and is based on Hebrews 12:2′s explanation of Jesus Christ’s motivation for enduring the cross. The film compares the vision of joy and hope that emerges as the main character, Zoe (Abby White) proves willing to navigate the shame and pain of her life to move toward healing and restoration.

168 Film Festival Grand Prize Winner ‘ReMoved’

In this exclusive SCH interview, Christina Matanick shares the behind-the-scenes details of the movie's production, from step one to completion. Join us for an inside look at the heart of this award winning film.
asking for help at work

Asking for Help at Work

Is asking for help at work a challenge for you? SCH Contributor Diane Paddison breaks down some great steps toward achieving your goals.