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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: December 12, 2014.

Have you ever noticed the craziness in your world around Christmastime? Imagine what that might have been like for the shepherds whose world was turned upside down that first Christmas night in Bethlehem!

saving christmas

Speaking of out-of-the-ordinary experiences, KIRK CAMERON’S SAVING CHRISTMAS not only will be showing in nearly 200 theaters this weekend (including 30 new theaters), it will also be seen in a special one-night-only final showing in many of its original theaters.

For one night only, this Monday, December 15, Saving Christmas will be in more than 250 theaters across the country for just one showing–7:30 pm in most locations!

See the official trailer below:

So if you’ve missed out on the opportunity to join with Kirk in putting Christ back in Christmas (or if you want to bring others to see it with you this time), you’ll have one last chance on Monday. Unless, of course, you live near one of the 200 theaters where it will be playing all week. We know: it’s a little crazy!

Check out the Theaters page on to find the theater nearest you, the date (or dates) it’s playing, and then be sure to experience the joy of KIRK CAMERON’S SAVING CHRISTMAS!

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