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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: September 30, 2015.

A.D. The Bible Continues continues as a role model in best practice in screenwriting with the following elements: universal Truth and appeal; multi-dimensional characters; use of the unexpected; thought-provoking, rich use of language; beautiful use of scriptures; heart and soul-grabbing human interest; heart-felt, honest, character development; growing and suspenseful but tight action with unexpected twists and turns; no extraneous movement or dialogue; high stakes and jeopardy and much more all without compromising the Biblical story.

On June 5, a private NBC screening (provided by NBC’s “A.D.” staff) for preview of the upcoming, June 7, tenth episode of A.D. The Bible Continues reveals that the series continues to depict the Biblical Book of Acts with best practice filmmaking elements: powerful and multi-faceted acting, engaging music, captivating cinematography, beautiful but authentic costumes; gritty realistic make-up and more.

Roma Downey shares much to prepare her supporters for the upcoming, tenth episode of A.D. The Bible Continues. She shares the history of Emperor Caligula who propels the escalating stakes and starts by saying”… Emperor Caligula makes a demand that his statue be placed in the temple, yet Pilate and Caiaphas know this will stir up a rebellion. Who was Emperor Caligula? Crazy and cruel are usually written before his name…”


Photo from the episode “Saul’s Return”

The AD staff share with supporters a sneak-peek video of the upcoming episode with the tension and struggle growing among the apostles over the place of the Temple and Jewish practices and with the looming threat of the abomination of the Temple with the statue of Caligula coming to be placed in it.

On June 5, the private, preview screening has also revealed not only the compelling inciting opening scene and growing conflict in the middle of the episode but the powerful, foreshadowing, cliff-hanging ending image that is encouraging to leaders who often feel alone when they are on cutting-edge frontlines.

For those who want to review or see episodes and auxiliary tools they have missed they can go to NBC’s site for AD. For those who want to review or see and hear Dr. David Jeremiah’s excellent, rich, expository teaching from the Bible corresponding to each episode, they can go to his online site.


Pilate (Vincent Regan) and Claudia (Joanne Whalley) discuss the threat of Caligula; Photo Courtesy of Lightworkers Media.

Consumers who are interested in viewing excellent redemptive, faith-based, and Biblical television programs and movies continue to view, vote, and voice their support for such programming. Supporters of the A.D. The Bible Continues series are expressing their enthusiasm for this series so that NBC will be encouraged to continue this series into another season.

Further, consumers who want excellent Biblical, redemptive, and inspiring television programs and movies are paving the way through their support for further and increasingly better redemptive, Biblical, and hopeful projects for television and theaters.


Written by Diane Howard, Ph.D. (Performance Studies),

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