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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: December 21, 2012.

We don’t choose our problems, but we can stay committed to follow God in the midst of them.

His master’s wife took notice of Joseph and said, “Come to bed with me!’” But he refused… “How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?” And though she spoke to Joseph day after day, he refused to go to bed with her or even be with her.

GENESIS 39:7-10

A crisis doesn’t confine God; in fact, it can set the stage for His grace to shine. The abundant grace of God can help us respond in a godly way in any situation. No, you aren’t experiencing déjà vu as you read this chapter: I previously covered an overview of Joseph’s life in this book. Let’s now focus on some specifics from his journey. The life of Joseph contains so many reminders that God’s grace is very practical in our relationships and in the moments when we are at a crossroad in life. Have you faced any situations where you knew that your decision would have massive implications for the rest of your life?

Joseph lived in Egypt and worked for Potiphar when Potiphar’s wife demanded that he sleep with her. Joseph knew it would be a sin against God, and he was able to refuse her. Because he was reflecting on how abundantly gracious God had been to him, there was a strong,  grace-driven motive to choose purity. After Joseph denied her request, she had him thrown in prison. It’s one thing to say we follow God, but what really matters is what we decide to do in a crisis. Joseph risked losing his job, place to live, money, freedom, and even his life as he maintained his integrity. He didn’t choose this problem, but he stayed committed to follow God in the midst of it.



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Excerpt republished with permission from Rooted in Grace by Jesse Bradley c. 2012


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